Stölzle Laus 1889 First glass production in old hand production site of Stölzle Lausitz GmbH Table culture not only has a big tradition, but is today part of our lifestyle that leads to a feeling of well being. The Stölzle Lausitz glasses are the automatic perfect contribution to the culture of wine drinking. The brand Stölzle stands for innovation and quality: lead-free, crystalline glass, brilliance, high breakage and dish-washer resistance (certificated for 1,000 rinse cycles) as well as an ideal price/quality ratio.
Stölzle Lausitz is specialized in producing machine pulled and melted stems. These crystal-clear glasses have neither joint between stem and bowl nor seamlines, with characteristics similar to handmade glasses. Professional design guarantees optimum performance and appreciation of each beverage in its relevant glass. Sommeliers, hotels, restaurants and winemakers benefit from these characters of Stölzle glasses. Around 40 million glasses per year are produced in Weisswasser and exported all over the world.